Website for disable people

We have struggle to communicate with disable people at my community and I thought that I must build an app or website that will be used by disable people to communicate with other people around them

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  1. Great idea! Many of the advances in 4IR are being used to help people.

    I have a close family member who has about 50% hearing loss, and communicating with them is challenging because often I’m speaking too softly for them to hear (without me realizing it), or else its in a public area with so much background noise that they can’t hear what I’m saying. I was thinking of trying to maybe have the Cube on a necklace, measuring the ambient sound level close their head, and by measuring the ambient sound level with the microphone glow green if my voice is loud enough (so they can hear me) but glow red if either my voice is too soft or the background noise is too loud. Would you be looking to build something like? If it were done as an app like you were thinking of, then maybe the phone could lie on the table and the screen light up green or red according to surrounding volume …

    I imagine though that people who are physically disabled might have other challenges that technology could help with – like pushing a button on the Cube when they need attention/assistance/to open something?

    I like your thinking! I think you might like the design thinking course where you can go through a process of figuring out the problem and iterating some solutions!

    keep ’em coming my man … 👍