Further learning and career options
Hopefully ‘the bug has bitten’ and a technology-related career is looking appealing to you after the Applied Technology and Design Thinking courses!
To aid you in learning about further courses and career options in Information and Communications Technology (ICT) and the exciting new world of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, we have put together a new Further learning and career options page under the Learn menu. You might be pleased and surprised to know that many of the courses are free, and some are even from zero-rated sites, meaning they won’t eat up your data bundle to access!
We’ll be updating the page as time goes by to fill in more options and details as we uncover them, so check back from time to time.
Check it out and let us know if this is helpful to you or not.
This is amazing..now I can be able to choose wise when coming to my career options. I would also be able to choose according to my strength and abilities 😊
Wow, so amazing