
  1. very cool! 😍 Great idea to use that grid display block to show the graphic images. well done πŸ‘

    Interesting piece of trivia – early versions of this course included a Rock-Paper-Scissors coding project! But yours looks better, and even includes sound πŸ’ͺ
    How it worked was a loop that displayed the Cube’s rock/paper/scissor choice faster than the eye could see (so like, a blur). You then had to press your choice of rock/paper/scissors on the buttons just like you’ve done, at which point the display would stop on the last thing the Cube had chosen, and that got compared to your choice to see who won (and the comparison was an interesting and complicated nested ‘if’ block). For the Cube to choose randomly, the Random function in the math blocks was used to generate a random number and convert that into the Cube’s choice of rock/paper/scissors …

  2. The game is basic and needs some more thoughtful coding to improveπŸ™‚, but more or less am willing to cultivate in that idea and more ideas.🦾🧠

    Thanks for tips and thumbs guys 😊